Solar Re-charging Kit

To support the range of batteries and chargers in the field, Denchi has developed a Solar Re-Charging capability to give the soldier on the ground the maximum flexibility to re-charge batteries when either a vehicle or generator is not available.
The powerful 60 Watt Solar Panel works in association with the successful Denchi Soldier Portable charger to ensure the maximum available power and so the shortest re-charge time. The Solar Panel is so designed to fold and it easily into the soldier’s equipment and can be unfolded and brought into action very swiftly. Because of the flexibility of the Soldier Portable Charger, this system will work effectively under all climatic conditions, even if the sun goes behind clouds and the subsequent voltage drops. In sunny climates it has been found that the re-charge time is very equivalent to that of a standard charger. So the use of the Solar Panel reduces the demand for diesel and assists with the reduction of re-charging noise in forward positions. This re-charging system joins the latest in a long line of successful Denchi products that have delivered powerful energy solutions to soldiers operating in active theatres. Denchi continues to develop the latest battery and charger technology to meet the evolving needs of military forces.
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